France |
I really hope that everyone had relaxing vacations and a nice January so far!
We spent some beautifull days in France, appreaciating family time, nature and potato picking!
Sometimes all you need is a little escape from everyday life to sit back, relax and realise how blessed you are in your life as it is and how many more possibilities there are in it.
Before I even realise it a year has passed ~ and what a year indeed.
There are not enough words, pictures or thoughts, able to describe all these that 2013 brought and changed in my life, in my family's life and in so many others'.
I am very thankfull for all the great moments I was given by God, all the wonderfull people that were added in my life this year and I honestly cannot wait to see what 2014 holds for me and for all of us.
New year resolution is a nice way to set your goals on a list but I dearly prefer to start this new year with a fresh look on life and try to view my every day with positive thoughts.
I found somewhere on pinterest a quote from Walt Disney:

Thus my sole goal for 2014 is to have the strenght
to make more of my dreams come true.
For creativity, family, education, career, home, you name it.
And after that...
Well dream some more!
Have a splendid 2014 everyone!