Saturday 7 December 2013

A crochet star pattern for Christmas

This is a rather old, simple and known pattern. With some alterations of mine, I share it with you. Enjoy!


Pop corn treble stich-Work 5 treble crochet stitches in the same stitch. Drop the loop from your hook. Insert your hook from front to back under the top 2 loops of the first tr crochet of the group. Grab the dropped loop with your hook and pull it through the stitch.

Picot-Chain 3.Insert your hook in the third chain from the hook. Yarn over and draw the yarn through the stitch and through the loop on the hook.


1. Make a magic ring.
2. Ch 2. Crochet 5 pop corn tr sts into the ring, crocheting 2ch between pop corn sts. Slip stitch to join.
3. Crochet (3tr, 2ch, 3tr) into the top of each pop corn st and 1ch between that. Slip stitch to join.
4. Slip stitch to the 2chain space, then crochet *4tr, picot, 4tr into the 2ch space. 1ch, dc into the 1ch between groups on previous round, 1ch. Repeat from * to end, slip stitch to join.
5. Pull the starting thread gently to close the magic circle, and secure the two ends.

Your star is ready, you can use it as an ornament by adding ribbon and a button, or use it for decoration of gifts or cards.

Happy Christmas Crocheting!


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